
Thurton CE Primary is an inclusive school, founded on Christian teachings, which serves a rural community.

Thurton CE Primary School is not a diverse community and so it is essential that equality of opportunity and Christian values which promote inclusion are at the core of all the School’s activities.

Thurton CE Primary School will not unfairly discriminate in the recruitment or general treatment of staff or pupils on the basis of any factor which is not relevant to academic achievement.

“All staff employed show a commitment to equality of opportunity. In carrying out their functions, all staff are required to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics, and between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.”     Thurton CE Primary School Staff Code of Conduct

Thurton CE Primary School is committed to promoting and developing equality of opportunity in all its functions and will seek to do this by:

  • communicating its commitment to equality and diversity to all members of the Thurton Primary School community;
  • communicating where responsibility lies for equality issues;
  • facilitating training for decision-makers and briefings for staff and students if required;
  • maintaining mechanisms for implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review;
  • treating acts of discrimination as a disciplinary offence;
  • consulting with trade unions, interested groups and individuals, internal and external;
  • improving attainment and rates of progress by closing the achievement gap for different groups;
  • ensuring the provision for children’s ‘Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural’ development in their learning;
  • children gaining an understanding of the similarities and perceived differences between people within and outside our local community;

Children learn about Rights and Responsibilities through Collective Worship and specific days, such as United Nations Day.

Equality Objectives:

  1. All staff will feel confident in responding to prejudice related bullying.
  2. Curriculum areas are developed to address the causes and consequences of discrimination and help pupils recognise, understand and challenge stereotypes highlighted in the media or pupil perception activities.
  3. To maintain the low level (0%) of prejudice related bullying in relation to the protected characteristics.
  4. All pupils have opportunities to participate in school visits or events which promote inclusion and diversity. E.g. Visiting a mosque or the synagogue in Norwich.

We continually monitor and evaluate our commitment to equality and diversity.