Blue Room – Year 5 / 6

RAISE! Escape Room – Andy from RAISE put on a great day of code breaking and problem solving in his awesome escape room! The room followed the story of Joseph and we learnt lots along the way as well as having fun!

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Archive 2022-23

Cam Toys – It Takes Two! – Remember our cam toys that we had started recently? We finished them off at home! Look how cool they are!

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PE Gymnastics – Look at our awesome poses we made in gymnastics!

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Cam Toys! – In D+T, we have started making cam toys! These are to entertain one of the characters in our book – a 5 year old boy called Max! We have been learning how to saw and drill carefully and will finish them off at home over Easter!

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We’ve started making our Island!! – We got together as a class and planned how our Island might have been formed, split it up into sections and then each group has taken a section to build and paint.

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Potato Contour Lines –  We did some practical work to help understand our new learning about mountains and contour lines using potatoes!

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German Food Taste Testing – As part of our German Food topic this term, we got to taste some different German foods and used our learning from the term to say if we liked the food or not.

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Melting Experiment – How do our substances change when we melt them? Are they reversible or irreversible changes?

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Green Screen Newsroom – We wrote up news reports about our class story ‘The Explorer’ and had fun filming them in front of a green/blue screen ready to turn them into proper news reports!

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Clay River Artwork – As part of our learning about rivers, we got into groups and made different parts of one river using clay!

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Archive 2021-2022

Goblin Go Kart Racing – Y6 had a fantastic time racing their go kart at Coltishall with children who had travelled from as far as Guildford to participate in the races! Well done Year 6!

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Y5/6 Residential to Kingswood – We had a fantastic time away in Overstrand for our residential! We got to try lots of activities such as fire lighting, high ropes and the night walk as well as fitting in a trip to the beach!

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Flower Art Work – We dissected flowers so we could draw them in detail as part of our topic on plants.

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WW2 Blitz Art – We used chalk pastels to reimagine the landscape of London during the Blitz!! Don’t they look effective?! (And don’t we look messy?!!)

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Gressenhall Trip – We imagined what life was like for children in World War 2 at our trip to Gressenhall!

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