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The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, which received Royal Assent on 12 February 2015, places a duty on specified authorities, including schools and colleges, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism (“the Prevent duty”). The Prevent duty reinforces existing duties placed upon educational establishments for keeping children safe.
Helpful resources
There are many organisations, groups and websites that provide resources to support schools and parents/carers with tackling radicalisation, extremism, intolerance, hate crime and other related topics. Here are some suggested resources:
- educate.against.hate is the Government website providing practical advice to parents/carers, teachers and school leaders on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation. The website includes links to a range of useful resources, good practice examples and suggested curriculum content.
- The Let’s Talk About It: provides information enabling people to learn more about the Government’s Prevent strategy with an aim to safeguard those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation. There is a range of supportive material on the website which also provides links to partner agencies to help people spot the signs of radicalisation at an early stage and provide communities with advice as to what to do.