
If you would like to apply for a place at Thurton Church of England Primary School, please contact the Admissions department at Norfolk County Council.

Admissions to our school are arranged by Norfolk County Council, however please contact our school office (01508 480 355 / if you would like to arrange a visit to look around to help you make your decision.

To ensure you follow the correct procedure for applications to school, here are some quick links to the Norfolk County Council admissions website:

Admission to our Reception class.

Admission to any year group if you wish to move to our school during the school year. This is known as an ‘in-year transfer’.

If you have questions about moving schools please use the Norfolk County Council contact form to get in touch with the Admissions Team.


Admission criteria for Thurton C of E VC Primary School

Children who are due to start school and:

  1. have a statement of special educational needs naming that school
  2. are in public care or have been adopted
  3. live in the area served by the school* and who have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission
  4. have a disability and live in the area served by the school* (Appropriate professional evidence will be required to confirm the disability)
  5. live in the area served by the school*
  6. have been allocated a permanent place at a Specialist Resource Base attached to the school. (Places allocated by Norfolk County Council’s Placement panel)
  7. live outside the area served by the school who have a brother or sister with a statement of special educational needs attending the school at the time of their admission.
  8. live outside the area served by the school who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission
  9. have a disability and live outside the area served by the school (Appropriate professional evidence will be required to confirm the disability)
  10. live outside the area served by the school

*Thurton CE Primary Catchment Area