Confidentiality Policy

Background Information

Thurton Church of England Primary School is a small primary school of around 80 children aged between 4 and 11 in Thurton with a population of just under 600.  The children are predominantly white and come from both single and dual parent families.  Approximately a quarter of the children are on the Special Educational Needs register, with a range of special needs catered for within the school

Formulation of the policy

The policy was written following contributions from the following parties:

·         Teacher with responsibilities for Child Protection

·         Senior Management Team

·         Governors’ Curriculum committee (including input from parents)

·         School Council

The policy was drawn together from principles contained within the policy and practice for Child Protection, Equal Opportunities and PSHCE, together with Government and local guidelines. It both reflects current practice within school and areas of best practice that were highlighted by discussions within the working party.

The issues discussed were as follows:

  • Key purpose of a Confidentiality policy
  • Areas covered by confidentiality
  • Child Protection issues surrounding confidentiality
  • Importance of training for all staff
  • Importance of relaying the policy to parents and children
  • Informing temporary or voluntary staff

Statement of Intent

It is our intention to respect the privacy of children, their families and staff, while ensuring that they are provided with a high standard of education and a safe and secure environment in which to grow and learn.


  • To ensure that all families can share their information in the knowledge that it will only be used for the welfare and safety of their children.
  • To support staff in their work by having clear guidelines for confidentiality.
  • To ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the school policy for confidentiality.


To ensure that children, families and staff can feel secure within the school community, we respect confidentiality in the following ways:

  • Parents have access to the records of their own children, but do not have access to information about other children.
  • Staff will not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where if affects the school’s ability to meet that child’s needs.
  • Children are made aware of what will happen to any information they give to staff, namely that some information can remain confidential, while some has to be shared with other adults.
  • Staff allow time to talk to children and families at an appropriate time and in an appropriate place.
  • Staff, student and governor induction includes an awareness of the importance of confidentiality.
  • Staff are supported by the Designated Teacher for Child Protection, and if necessary by the Local Authority Education Welfare officers, when dealing with difficult situations.
  • Regular training is given with regards to dealing with a disclosure from a child. (See flowchart) Parents are informed through the School Prospectus of the duties of the Designated Teacher for Child Protection, should a disclosure occur.
  • All members of the school community are made aware that the Headteacher is the Designated Teacher for Child Protection.
  • Any concerns relating to a child’s safety are kept in a secure, confidential file and are shared with as few people as possible on a ‘need to know’ basis.
  • Personal information about children, families and staff is kept securely, whilst remaining as accessible as is necessary.
  • Issues relating to the employment of staff and volunteers remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions.
  • Parents’ permission is sought annually with regards to taking photographs of their children.


Monitoring and Evaluation

All families will be given a copy of the policy and an opportunity to comment on it. It will be shared with the children during School Council assemblies and with the staff and governors at their respective meetings.

Issues regarding confidentiality will be recorded in order to assess the effectiveness of the policy in practice. This will give us an opportunity to monitor our practice before the official review date.

Evaluations will include input from families and children through the use of questionnaires and formal feedback from staff and governors prior to the review date.

Supporting documentation

Please refer to the following documents in support of this policy:

  • Sex and Relationship Education Guidance 2000
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • Every Child Matters
  • Data Protection Act
  • Sex Education Policy
  • Drugs Education Policy
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy


The school is working towards the National Healthy School status and the school actively supports healthy eating and drinking throughout the school day.

This policy document was produced in consultation with the entire school community.