Wellbeing and Health Information
Welcome to our wellbeing and health page. You can find further useful links on Monika’s Parent Support Advisor page!
Flourishing Families
Just One Norfolk has created a Flourishing Families Tool! This has been designed for families who might want a little extra help meeting their child’s needs.
All you have to do is answer the questions using the tool and you will get some advice and guidance. The answers you select are anonymous and not shared with anyone!
Data received from Just One Norfolk indicates that there were over 400 submissions to the Flourishing Families tool between April 18th 2023 and July 18th 2023!
The tool can be found here: Flourishing Families (justonenorfolk.nhs.uk)
School attendance can be a real challenge for a variety of reasons. You can find advice and support on www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/attendance, or speak to a member of staff for help.
Health Information
Information leaflet for Children starting School in September – School Nursing service
Head bump!
If a child sustains a head ‘bump’ or head injury during the school day, parents/carers will be informed (usually by text). Guidance on action to take is available here or download our leaflet: Advice After a Head Injury
We take our role in ensuring the health and wellbeing of every child in our care very seriously. Staff are trained in first aid and we have a school nursing team who visit the school for the Flu immunisation programme and the National Child Measurement Programme.
Children who have had an injury or are taken ill at school are seen by members of staff who are qualified first-aiders. If it is thought that a child needs further medical help or is unfit to be in school, parents are notified immediately. If necessary, the school will call NHS 111 or the emergency services.
Any medication which has to be administered during school hours must be clearly labelled and taken to the school office, where it will be given by a member of staff as required. There is a form to fill in to ensure that the correct information is available to the relevant staff.
Wellbeing Support
Get the book here: Helping Your Child with Fears and Worries
Just One Norfolk Click the link for Norfolk & Waveney – Mental Health Advice and Support for 0-25’s
Mental Health Foundation Click the link to explore resources designed to assist schools, education staff, parents, children and young people look after their mental health.
Warning – watching these videos may make you happier…
GoNoodle a free app to promote active kids!
Click here for more useful advice for parents.