Our Curriculum

Welcome to our curriculum page.

We desire that all our children fulfil their potential and enter their next phase of education as confident, knowledgeable and well rounded individuals. Our school curriculum has evolved over the years and has been shaped through evidence based research, staff training and liaising with Thurton Pre-School, Tiffin Nursery and Hobart High School.


Through well considered approaches to learning, we aim for our curriculum to:

  • Build a ‘love to learn’ culture with outstanding learning behaviours
  • Create a ‘can-do’ culture through tackling discrimination and promoting Christian values, equality and inclusion
  • Provide Depth of Learning across all curriculum areas
  • Ensure children are confident and ready for their next phase of education
  • Provide a solid foundation to enable children to be confident in leading their lives in a healthy and safe way
  • Provide opportunities for children to experience ‘life beyond Thurton’

How do we build a ‘love to learn’ culture with outstanding learning behaviours?



How do we promote a ‘can-do’ culture through tackling discrimination and promoting Christian values, equality and inclusion?

7 8


How do we provide Depth of Learning across all curriculum areas?

10 11 12 13 14

How do we ensure children are confident and ready for their next phase of education?


How do we provide opportunities for children to experience ‘life beyond Thurton’?


What do parents say?

“My children love coming to school and really engage with the topics and their learning. I especially like how they have the opportunity to explore topics in a very detailed way which means they are challenged.”

“It’s reassuring to know that my child is getting a great education in a happy, nurturing environment, which also allows him to be independent in his choices of activities.”

“The hard work of all staff is reflected in the lovely environment you maintain enabling children to have fun, explore and learn effectively.”

“If the Danes were to search for the happiest school in the world, Thurton Primary would surely be in the top 10!”

Subject Intent, Implementation and Impact Documents


Art  computing  dt    geog   hist   german1   math-clipart-transparent-clip-art  music  RE  reading  clipart-designs-chemistry-19 RHSE pic PE pic

Click here to find out how we plan our curriculum

Our class topics operate on a 2-year rolling program. Click below to find out what we will be learning about:

Even Years (September 2022, 2024, 2026)

Odd Years (September 2023, 2025, 2027) 

We also have class blogs where you can keep up to date with what we’re up to. Click the links below!

Yellow Class

Red Class

Green Class

Blue Class


Relationships, Health and Sex Education

Understanding Relationships and Health Education – a guide for primary school parents

Click below to go to the 1Decision Parent/Carer Zone. You will find clips from their resources and some of the themes covered, including Puberty and Conception.








Parent Consultation

Please find below our RHSE Policy and accompanying materials:

RHSE Consultation Information for Parents

Thurton CE RHSE POLICY statement

Thurton CE Primary School: EYFS-Y5/6 KEY THEMES & MAP version May 2023



Click here to go to the survey on the parents page!