Who We Are

Members of the PTA committee are voted each year and all members of the school community are welcome to attend meetings.

For the 2024/25 school year, the PTA core team is made up of these parents:

Chair: Mel Sambells

Vice-Chair: Sorrel Kelly

Treasurer:  Louise Snailum

Secretary: Jacky Honour

Class Reps are:

Reception: Hannah Colledge / Beth McAlone (Yellow Class)

Year 1: Sarah Pointer (Yellow Class)

Year 2: Laura Butler (Red Class)

Year 3: Bridie Mickleburgh (Green Class)

Year 4: Beth Baxter (Green Class)

Year 5: Ellen Mussell (Blue Class)

Year 6: Mel Sambells (Blue Class)

Teacher Reps:

Michelle Powell / Jonathan Barber


What We Do

Following the PTA’s AGM, we wanted to say a huge thank you to you all for your support. During the 2022/2023 school year we raised £5943.18 and contributed to the school with Easter eggs, Christmas gifts, Diwali celebrations, school book fund, Planetarium / Space day, leavers’ hoodies, and two swift boxes.


In the past, contributions have also included school trip transport, theatre performances and other educational visits.


During the 2021/2022 school year the total raised was £3,435, with the post-lockdown December activities alone raising an incredible £1354.49 (Winter Grand Draw, Christmas wreaths, Christmas cards and Blue Class’s Christmas fundraising day.)


Fundraising takes many forms including:

Bake saes

Ice lolly Fridays

Christmas wreaths

Summer Fete

Christmas Mingle

Christmas cards

Quiz night

Grand Draws

Hampers for Mother’s Day / Father’s Day

Rainbow (non-uniform) days



Thank you to everyone who helped with the 2022 PTA Summer Fete, we raised a whopping £2100! Special thanks to Starkings and Watson who sponsored the fete and to everyone who contributed raffle prizes:

Adventure Cinema
Africa Alive / Banham Zoo
Ben Burgess
Booja Booja
Cinema City
Earsham Street Cafe
Fairhaven Gardens
Flint Vineyard
Green Pastures
Hillfied Nursery
Jon Vaissiere Heating Services
Loddon Garden & DIY
Mardle Books
Morrisons Beccles
Morrisons, Norwich
NAMCO Funscape
Norfolk Museums
Norfolk Snowsports
Orchard Butchers
Orchard Toys
Rockland Post Office
Roys / Highway Garden Centre
Spoon Cake
Starkings and Watsons
The Feathers Pub
The George and Dragon
Thorrington Theatre
Thrigby Hall
Thurton Vans
Turtle Bay, Norwich
Willow Gallery
Woodland Stoves
Yarmouth Hippodrome Circus
Yarmouth Marina


Over the years the PTA have raised money to purchase fantastic resources including:

School stage



Listening and recording units

Outdoor clothing for R/1

Buses to educational visits to keep the costs to a minimum for families

Outdoor music equipment

Outdoor tables

New ideas are always welcome!