How our School is Organised
Our Classes
YELLOW CLASS: Reception and Year 1
GREEN CLASS: Year 3 and Year 4
BLUE CLASS: Year 5 and Year 6
Our Teachers
The majority of classes are mixed aged and mixed ability. They have one teacher who has the main responsibility for each class but is supported by a learning support assistant. Flexible grouping arrangements within each class enables teachers to prepare a curriculum that is suited to the needs of small groups of children at a similar stage of development and individuals within these groups. Teachers have timetabled time out of class every week to plan lessons in key stages, where they are able to share expertise and best practice. A current list of our staff is available online. We also have a specialist Modern Foreign Languages teacher, Music teacher, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Forest School Instructor and Physical Education instructors to ensure that all children have the very best opportunities to access the wider curriculum.
Our Governors
Our governors are representatives of the parents, local community including the church and staff. They meet twice a term and more frequently in small subcommittees. They have responsibility for overseeing the organisation, curriculum and budget of the school. While the day-to-day running of the school is entrusted to the Headteacher and staff, the Governors ensure that the school achieves its strategic aims.
The Parent Teacher Association
We have an active PTA, to which all parents have automatic membership. It organizes social and fundraising events and meetings are held regularly to plan forthcoming events.
The School Leadership Team
The school leadership team is committed to ensuring that standards and expectations at Thurton remain high. The core leadership team consists of the Headteacher and the Deputy headteacher. The middle leadership consists of all other teachers of whom all have specific subject responsibility including the school’s provision for English, Mathematics, Science, the Arts, Music, RE, Languages, Physical Education and Humanities. The leadership team meets regularly to ensure that there is a joined up and effective strategic vision and the best outcomes for children and the community.