Keeping My Child Safe Online
Please click the above image to go straight to Parent Zone Guidance – it is a fabulous website for parents!
What information can I get from school?
The school works closely with all families and offers an annual E-Safety briefing which is part of the Autumn Term’s ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting. This briefing informs families of simple steps to take at home, any new online issues (such as Snap Map) and of websites which they can use to access up to date information. Guidance and leaflets for parents/carers are also available in school from the E-Safety notice board area, which is located outside the Headteacher’s office. See our E-Safety page to find out more about how our school keeps pupils safe online.
Coronavirus: Support for Parents,
Coronavirus guidance for parents/carers from ThinkUKnow
Online safety at home from ThinkUKnow
What steps can I take to improve my child’s safety on line?
Where can I find guidance online?
Common Sense Media Guidance on everything media based! Fantastic for parents!
Parent Zone Guidance on everything from Facebook to Minecraft!
NSPCC Net Aware Guidance about Youtube.
NSPCC Be Share Aware Top tips for keeping your child safe online.
What if I am not able to find the guidance I need?