School Lunches

Children can choose to have a cooked meal or bring in a packed lunch. School meals are provided by EATS, who are part of the Vertas Group.  They are prepared at Loddon Primary Federation and brought to Thurton. They offer good value for money and provide a healthy, balanced diet. There is always a choice of menu (the current menu can be found at the bottom of this page), including jacket potatoes, vegetarian and special diets can be catered for if we are given adequate notice.

The cost of meals is £2.60 per day.  There is a lunch choice sheet in each classroom, which the children (or their parents for younger children) complete on arrival each day.

If you would like to know more about EATS please go to

Packed lunches should be nutritionally well balanced. If your child is having home packed lunch, please ensure that lunch boxes and all drinking containers (no glass or cans) are secure. As a healthy school, we ask that a balanced meal is sent, with no fizzy drinks and not too many sweet items during each week. Naming the sandwich boxes, particularly for the Reception and Key Stage 1 children is useful. Our school hall provides a lovely place for children to eat their lunch together.

School meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and year 2 are free of charge as they are part of the Universal Free School Meals (UiFSM) offered by the government. Meals provided from children in years 3 to 6 must be paid for in advance, by BACS. If you think your family is entitled to income-based Free School Meals, please talk to our office staff and they will help be able to support you with your application.

Eats Spring Summer Menu 2024 (effective from 15th April 2024)

Eats Autumn Winter Menu 2024/25 (effective from 4th November 2024)

Eats Autumn Winter Menu 2024.25 Special Dietary (effective from 4th November 2024)



Page Updated: 20/10/22