
At Thurton CE Primary School, we aim that all children develop their mathematics skills through a consistent, progressive and inclusive maths mastery approach.

We believe that:

  • Everyone can learn and develop a love for maths given appropriate guidance, with the support of high quality resources.
  • New concepts or skills should be presented clearly using a CPA approach (concrete, pictorial, Abstract) to support children’s understanding.
  • Children should be provided time to practise new concepts and skills.
  • Concepts or skills should build on prior learning and be reviewed and revisited as the children move through the school.
  • Children and staff develop ‘a love to learn’ approach to mathematics sessions
  • A ‘can do’ culture will be promoted across the school in mathematics

Progression of Learning

Following research undertaken by school leaders and then subsequent training, the Maths – No Problem (MNP) mathematics education programme was implemented across the school in September 2021. The MNP programme includes textbooks and workbooks for each child from Reception to Year 6 as well as online tools for the teacher. The curriculum is designed using a spiral approach which presents a new concept or skill, provides practice on that concept or skill, before moving on to another concept or skill. As the children move through the school, these concepts and skills are reviewed and revisited, but at an increasing sophisticated level. Each session provides opportunities for reasoning and building mathematical fluency.

Even though we have mixed age classes, maths sessions are delivered to separate year groups. Subsequently, all groups have a smaller pupil to teacher ratio when compared to a typical mixed-age class of 30.

Spiral approach by topic Maths No Problem

EYFS term-1-guidance-overview EYFS term-2-guidance-overview EYFS term-3-guidance-overview







Characteristics of an effective MATHEMATICIAN at Thurton CE Primary School:

Effective mathematician

Maths poster