World Book Day

On the 5th March we celebrated World Book Day as a whole school. It was a time to celebrate authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) reading! The main aim of the day was to encourage the children to explore the pleasures of books and reading and for this to continue after the day was over.

We came together at the start of the day for an assembly where the children learnt a bit more about what world book day is, who around the world celebrates it and why they do this.

Each teacher chose a different book to focus on for the day and delivered their session to each of the coloured teams.

Red room – Aliens Love Underpants – the children designed their own aliens and underpants and thought about what they would do if an alien landed on planet earth!

Yellow room – Supertato! – the children made their own Supertatoes out of different vegetables.

Green room – Georges Marvelous Medicine – the children experimented by making different types of potions.

Blue room – the children had the opportunity to read to each other and to show and talk about their costumes.

A good time was had by all!